What is Rolfing? A hands-on manual therapeutic and educational method developed by the American bio-chemist Dr. Ida Rolf in the 1950s. Rolfing works with fascia, the body-wide system that you’ve (possibly) never heard of.
So what is fascia then? Fascia is quite literally everywhere in our bodies: organs are wrapped in fascia, muscles slide along inside their fascial wrappings… even nerves glide in fascial sheaths! It is the connective tissue net that communicates between the tiniest cells to the biggest muscle structures (and all the organs in between).
What can Rolfing do? It’s particularly helpful in addressing patterns of chronic strain/repetitive motion and less than ideal postural habits – like the forward head posture induced by screen-heavy work, the ubiquitous lower back pain from slump-sitting in under-supportive chairs, or the RSI that might come from working with your hands.